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Position:Home>Poetry> Any comments or critiques on this poem?

Question: Any comments or critiques on this poem!?
Spring Songbirds

Spry little birds,
Shopping for
Seeds and weeds,
Perch on limbs of

Freshly budding trees!.
Each year,
They sing their

Gay rhapsodies
Outside my window;
Make nests in hanging
Baskets on my porch!.

Such busy industry,
Life in process;
I, too, feel
Energy renewed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The stanza arrangement is effective because the thoughts bridge the phrases!. It's quite good; minor points:

don't say "busy industry" - it's redundant and stopped me

don't say "make nests" -- you're rushing!. Describe the process!.

The conclusion is sweet!.

As is, 8/10!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was wondering if there was a purpose behind the stanzas being broken up the way they are!. I'm not sure if it's that way for some kind of effect while reading or not!. If not, I would have to agree about it being awkward!. I feel the poem could be read much more smoothly if it wasn't so choppy!. Otherwise, I really enjoyed reading it!. Very nice language used!. My compliments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the way the first three stanzas are broken up is a bit awkward because it splits before a thought is finished!.

if you rearrange the first three stanzas in a more cohesive way it would flow better!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well writtenWww@QuestionHome@Com