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Position:Home>Poetry> Do most 4 year olds play with their boogers?

Question: Do most 4 year olds play with their boogers!?
I wrote this for fun and before I knew anything about structure, form or meter!.


I know a boy!.
He's four years old!.
He has a habit
that is quite bold!.
His habit is not whining or sighing or sucking his toes!.
His horrible habit is picking his nose!.
I don't mean to be mean!.
I don't mean to complain!.
But, it sometimes looks like he's picking his brain!.
His finger goes in!.
His finger comes out!.
Sometimes with something!.
Sometimes without!.
He picks them all day!.
He picks them all night!.
He picks them with his left!.
He picks them with his right!.
He picks them and he picks them and he picks the, you see!.
But, no, it's not his picking that bothers me!.
Yes, he picks them and that's nothing new!.
But, when he picks them, he likes to flick them too!.
He flicks them here!.
He flicks them there!.
He flicks those boogies everywhere!.
He flicks them up!.
He flicks them down!.
Some hit the wall!.
Some hit the ground!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I started laughing when I read the email with the question, and I haven't stopped yet!. I am wearing out my backspace key repairing typos!. Do you have any idea how hard it is to type with being wracked with nearly sobbing laughter!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alright, the poem is great but!.!.!.!.!.a boy!? This should be equal opportunity!. After all girl is also 1 syllable! Besides, having represented what you just said, I do not need these memories refreshed!. It took many years of therapy to rid myself of this!. I think her name was Nancy, but that is another story!. A great write!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

You've reached both ends of the spectrum with this one!
Hilarious and repulsive at the same time!!

How do you make a tissue dance!?
You put a little boogie in it!
OK, sorry!.!.!.!.I couldn't resist!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ummm, interesting!. No, I find it quite funny and humorous with an interesting peek into the mind of a child!. This was sweet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a nephew of 4 years old!. He's in Texas now!. Haven't seen him in quite a long time!. This poem really makes me miss him so damn much! Boogie dance, boogie flicks! Awwww!.!.!.!.soo cute!Www@QuestionHome@Com

As the mother of a 4 year old (and a 2 year old), I find this very funny and all too familiar!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very funny and creative!. Amazing, the way children think!. Can you get him used to eating apples or grapes!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

hilarious, get it published i reckon loads of parents around the world could be singing this to there kidsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am warming up a home-made curry, and the rice is burbling away nicely, so I thought while I am waiting I will go on that nice AY poets page!.

This made me sick!. Now, this may be a good thing, since I am supposed to be on a diet!. But, I do love home-made curry - (afterall I am British and curry is one of our national dishes) - but, I won't enjoy it now with my stomach churning!.
I decided I wouldn't read it all when the nausea started, but found myself drawn back!.
Great poem for those of you with strong stomachs!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my gosh- this is so hilarious!. The three year old that rules this household would identify and sing along! I tell him it's gross, and that only makes him laugh!. I really got a kick out of this!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com