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Question: An Acrostic Dedication to Siren Unchained!?
Siren Unchained

Silhouette of elegance, graceful poise!.
Ignite desires of those long lost,
Render them speechless upon your entry!.
Emerge victorious, causing jaws to be submissive!.
Never faltering in your stride!.

Uncharted beauty adorns your countenance,
Nullifying speech,
Collapsing thought!.
Heavy sighing follows closely,
Admiring what can't be attained!.
Invigorated by a wish, a thought, and a fantasy,
Never fulfilled,
Epic in proportion,
Dreamily statuesque!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I!.!.!. Am!.!.!. Speechless!.!.!.

When it comes to my ability to answer this I am!.!. well!.!.!. chained!.!.!. by gratitude and love of this community!

I am always changing my name!.!.!. this makes me want to leave it be!.!.!. You are gifted at bringing brightness to anthers day!.!.!. that is hard to do anymore, what with the world filled with darkness!.!.!. this shows me that people actually read my work!.!.!.

I cannot say thank you enough for making me feel so special!.!.!. thank you!.!.!.

Blessed Be, Siren HumbledWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ignite desires of those long lost!.!.!.!.!.what!? It sounds as if there should be a word here - it may be because I am getting the emphasis in the wrong place!.

Emerge victorious, causing jaws to be submissive!. hm - I don't know what this means and it seems overly long!.

The second stanza makes total sense and runs along beautifully!.
Who is Siren Unchained!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I bet she is flattered beyond reckoning!.!.!. you do those who you write about great good!.!.!. lifting them up and showing what you do see in them!.!.!. Acrostics like this will never tire of their worth!.!.!. Aw some, congrats, Siren, you deserved this!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One special thing about you is the way you make others feel!.!.!.that was wonderfully written!.!.!.and i just read her answer to this question!.!.!.she is the happiest I guess!.!.!.your lines are becoming the most beloved treasures of your friends!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Another meaningful and beautiful tribute poem, this time to a gifted poet whose works are an inspiration to us all, and whom I truly admire!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A wonderful tribute!. You describe an exceptional lady!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is very nicely done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A semper fi acrostic in the making!?!? Would not bet against!.Www@QuestionHome@Com