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Position:Home>Poetry> Please give me feedback on my poem?

Question: Please give me feedback on my poem!?

Inside the depths of quiet lies a riot
Begging to escape!.
Yes, even the kindest intention, left untested, will never prove to comfort!.
Yes, even the boldest thoughts, left unuttered, will never make alert!.
However, when some hearts boil to a scream,
Only a whisper of steam is seen!.
For them art and written word
Is the only way to be heard!.
While others live through now, what they do and what they say,
These souls thrive vicariously through the things they have made!.
Others may see simple, boring, no details to remark,
But all that is perceived is a shallow reflection of such vibrant hearts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think this is a good start!. As an introvert, I can really relate to this and you describe some introverts pretty well!. Plus, you do present some good images with your imagery and your word choice is nice!. However, I think you should improve on the flow and rhythm because to me, it doesn't flow right!. Even though your rhyme is unforced, there are some words that need to be cut out in order to improve the flow!.!.

But other than some flaws in rhythm, I really liked reading this poem!.

Keep writing!. Thanks for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh gosh!
This has so much good that's in it and a few really awkward bits!. Love the whistling kettle!.
OK,from the top:
I'm not wild about that rhyme of riot and quiet, you don't need it!. I like the short lines banging in "begging to escape"!. "Will never prove to comfort" would be stronger without the "prove to"!. "Will never make alert" good!. Try making all those shorter lines punchy!.
Polish, polish, polish!.
Go well!Www@QuestionHome@Com