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Position:Home>Poetry> Have you ever played Flinch?

Question: Have you ever played Flinch!?
Yes, we did play this game!. And no, I never told my son about this!

Ever Play Flinch!?

Us boys loved our things
None finer that pearly handled
or wooden framed or aluminum crossed
Pocket knives… of any size

Mix matched shirt and pants…what!?
No belt today…who cares!
But misplace the blade…!. oh such panic!!!
Knights of bikes did need their armor

A simple game this flinch we played
as boyhood courage took stage
who would walk and who would rule
let the blades decide!

But the game had rules it did, it did
and knights of bikes did obey, yessirre
For each flick brought feet together
Gaps got smaller, eyes got wider

Now Texas Holdem…a wimpy game
Bluffing for money…come on now
Flinch required steely nerves, guts too
As you played with blades of steel
“Do I love my toes”… the refrain

Alas, Moms found out and ruled
the knights of bikes were grounded
As penance for our sins we knew not
Besides did we not wear shoes!

Care to play Flinch!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bring it on!
Amazing feelings of my childhood came as I read this poem! Ah, the ability to do that for the reader is, indeed, a talent!
Please, kind sir!.!.!.more!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Flinch with a jack knife I have never played, but my husband
told stories of such, as well he claimed he was marble king of
the play ground, and had an indented thumb to prove it!.

Ah to be a child again such fun, but not worth all the growing pains to repeat, remembrance is sweeter!. Thanks for the
picture brought to life by your descriptive words Neonman,
your child light sparkled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I'll join you in a game, for old times sake!. You could always find me playing with the boys, holding spiders and snakes, (still love snakes, hate spiders), and to this day I feel positively nude without a pocket knife and a lighter in my pocket, or a gun under my pillow!. What can I say!.!.!.I'm a southern gal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I must have been on whatever planet Elaine was on, because I have never ever heard of this! Well, from reading her answer to something a couple weeks ago, I realized she is a Philly girl like myself, so maybe it's not the planet but the city, hehe!.

Good poem, though, neonman! I got an idea of how it is played!.!.!.I will be sure to hide this poem from my sons though because I hope they never learn this game!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This brought back memories from 50 years ago!. I was a tomboy, with one brother older and one brother younger!.!.!.!.and an older sister we had nothing to do with (she was girly)!.

We played standing opposite each other, feet apart and threw a pen-knife down between the opponents feet!. Then you had to move your foot to where the knife went in, and!. so on !.!.!.!.!.so on!.!.!.!.!.last time I looked I still had all my toes, but we did have our shoes on! Our game had no name!.
I must get writing - the games we used to play!.

(second line !.!.!.than!.!.!.!.not !.!.!.!.that)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh Neonman! I remember Flinch - lol!. Girls did not play with pocket knives!. We used our fingers, ready, aim, to poke the other's eyes out - lol!. Somehow, it evades me what happened when we flinched - lol!. Great poem!. It brought way back memories to the forefront!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Leave it to boys to play 'Flinch' with knives!. Great poem and great look into the male mind!. I really did enjoy it and my sons will never have knives!. Great story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know what planet I was on when Flinch was played!. I had never heard of the game, but it sounds very frightening!. Love the poem, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol that was so COOL! and it IS like boys to play, I would know cuz I have a bunch of brothers =) great poem!Www@QuestionHome@Com

heh think i'll give it a miss - i'm rather attatched to my toes! (at the moment)

good poem, btwWww@QuestionHome@Com