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Position:Home>Poetry> What is your favorite and your least favorite theme in poetry?

Question: What is your favorite and your least favorite theme in poetry!?
In other words, what do you like to write about or read in a poem!? And what turns you off!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would say blood sucking vampires, cutting, various descriptions of blood and death and gore rank up at the top of my least favorite subjects!.

Second is gushy, obscenely sugary love gone wrong tripe (mostly seen here at yahoo poetry) with any combination of atrocious grammar, misspellings, texting, and no structure or punctuation at all!.

The kind of poetry I do like shows work and effort to keep it simply stated, and speaks on an enormously wide range of subjects ranging from nature visuals to a simple description of a room when a poet dies, to the inner thinking, to the emotions, memories, impressions, etc!.
Put simply, this kind of poetry is profound to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poetry is moments, captured, emotions expressed, paintings in words!. They can be about anything!. There was a poem on here a while back about how hot the leather seat of a car is when it sits in the sun, it was put perfectly and I thought it was genius!. There is no subject matter that cannot be tackled by a poem, it is the approach that turns one off, not the theme or the subject!.

That being said, Goth poetry I have no time for, "Blood drips down the stone walls/In blackness the creature, the man appears/stench of death on his breath" Yawn!. But even that, in the hands of a good poet, I would read!.

I try to not limit myself when it comes to poetry, either reading or writing!.

Hmm, a Goth poem!.!.!.!. Hmm!.!.!.!. No, I don't think I could do it!.

Good question, I'll be curious to read the other answers here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Least favorite would have to be love, there is too many cliched and bad poetry that passes as good or publish worthy!. Some love poetry can be realy good, especialy when it takes you places you don't expect

Death is probably my favorite theme in poetry, especialy when it concerns carpe diem or life renewing itself, also overcoming death is an idea i likeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like poems about the passage of time, like Gather Ye Rosebuds while you may!. But I particularly like poems which make you look at ordinary life in an extra-ordinary way - my favourite on here is Russell G (but he's not always here) he is absolutely ace at describing what he sees around him!.

I don't like poems which have no substance, and which refer only to feelings, whether of pain, death, love or what you will!. I want to SEE what the poet sees, not what the poet feels!. (I must qualify that last statement - within a concrete poem feelings expressed are fine)

I don't like this kind of thing much
(except in the hand of a master of poetry)

I ache for him who is lost to me
I wish only to let my feelings free
To rise above the anguish and pain
And to never feel this sweet agony again!.
----or summat!.

I like this kind of thing (better than this, of course)

The empty midnight wharf smelled of recent rain
collected in torpid pools
reflections of giraffe-like gantries,
and the shimmering broken moon!.
----- or summatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Thanks for this great question!. I am supposed to be working, but I can take time for this one!.

My least favorite theme in a poem is a broken heart!. Everyone thinks that the wreckage of their tangled and twisted loves are unique in their loneliness and depression!. As you read them, you see that they are all the same!. I've never posted one here because I quit writing them on the 3rd anniversary of my 100th broken heart!.

My favorite theme to read and write is "Life Choices!."

TS Eliot
Rudyard Kipling
and!.!.!.the king of the guilty conscience!.!.!.EA PoeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ouch! TD's answer really hurts! lol

My most favorite are poetry with a universal theme, in which everyone could relate to!.!.!.and open to various interpretations!.

My least favorite are poetry with a historical/epic/tragedy/elegiac theme!. It just doesn't excite me!. (Except Byron's poetic verse on Napoleon Bonaparte, that's mighty awesome!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like about anything that is well written!. It can be any style, but I do prefer lyrical rhyming work to that which is called free verse, although I have read much free verse I consider quite good and enjoy reading!. What bugs me most is the poems that go in and out of meter and rhyme scheme, and makes me stop and re-read numerous times to pick up the change in rhythm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like more upbeat poetry!. I like Nature, spirituality (all kinds),
beauty, Love (not sappy), humorous, and anything dealing with the arts!. I don't care for suicide poems or poems intended to hurt or harm anyone!.

Addition: Alobar reminded me!.!.!. I absolutely love poems about ordinary mudane things!. When someone can take something like a hot leather seat and turn it into art, I am in awe of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thanks for this wonderful question Elaine!.!.!.!.

there is a famous saying by Sir Francis Bacon!.!.!.
"All knowledge is my province"

and for me, all subjects are my province!.!.!.all that encompasses the big volume of life, nature, imagination, fancy and fantasy!.!.!.

and there is nothing in poetry that turn me off!.!.!.!.!.everything delights me!.!.!.everything Elaine!.!.!.i exist free!.!.!.and i love the verse of every hand!.!.!.because every poem comes from the feeling of a human heart!.!.!.some are perfect, some are imperfect!.!.!.yet they say something!.!.!.atleast of an unfruitful attempt undertook by someone!.!.!.

Where the bee sucks, there suck I
In a cowslip's bell I lie
There I couch when owls do cry
On the bat's back I do fly
After summer merrily
Merrily merrily shall I live now
Under the blossom that hangs on the bough

(Shakespeare: The Tempest: Act 5, Scene I, sung by Ariel)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really love romantic poems about love!. also is dramatic and about nature but i love the love poems the best!!! here is something:


Once upon a fairy tale
Was a girl we all know well
A princess only dreaming of
The hope of finding her true love

She searched the land but couldn't find
The true love that she had in mind
She tried to find him everyday
Till her hopes all washed away

She sat upon her empty throne
Thinking that she'd be alone
Everything in life felt wrong
Until one day he came along

Prince Charming was this prince's name
And her lover he became
She finally found her one true love
The one that she'd been dreaming of

Finally everything felt alright
She had a prince to hold each night
Someone to sit by on her throne
No longer was this girl alone

But then on one awful day
He found Snow White and went away
On a horse they waved goodbye
This princess was left to cry

She knew she'd have to live without
The prince she cared so much about
Goodbye to love and all the laughter
Goodbye to happy ever after


Poems where you have to have a dictionary at hand!.

I do not like reading poems from the young who's lives are in a desperate state of affairs!. I read them though because there may be some who are crying out for help!. They are what I call "Life Line" poems!. However all themes please me!.

Wordsworth, Keats, Coleridge, Edward Thomas and Hardy!. I adore!.


I love to read about REVENGE!. I hate morning poems
because I hate mornings!.Not counting all the 'GOOD'
morning poems!.I just don`t like morning in general!. I`m
used to working at night so I like to sleep in!. Sorry all you
early morning people!. No offense to all these great morning

I like to write (and read) about nature, and I like it to be humorous and light!. I'm no good at writing them but I also love to read spiritual poetry!.!.!.or anything that sends a positive message!.
Turn offs!? The deep, complex ones that I just can't grasp!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love to read about questions, to be really out there and strange, perchance questions without answers!.!.!.that, or nighttime!.

I hate poems about suicide, I know I write some, but that doesn't mean that I don't hate those poems either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really have a favourite or least favourite theme!. Any poem that makes me want to read it the whole way through is a good poem to me!. I like well-written, non-cliched poems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like poetry about goodness and love!.

I don't like poetry about death!. (with the exception of For Whom the Bell Tolls by Donne!.)

"!.!.!.and then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils!." - William WordsworthWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like poems that tell a story that I can picture in my mind!. I dislike pompous, pretentious poetry - lol - the 3 p's!. Although I must admit, I've been guilty of the 3 p's once or twice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't have particular themes that I like and don't like!.
I really don't like cliche!.

I like to read about nature, humanity and love the most!.

I don't really care for suicidal poems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com