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Position:Home>Poetry> What kind of writing makes a great poem? What made the great poets great? Who is

Question: What kind of writing makes a great poem!? What made the great poets great!? Who is your favourite poet!?
My favourite poet of recent times is the lead singer and songwriter of Rock band U2, Bono!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The kind of writing that makes a great poem is when the writer writes about something personal, and that it stirs up your emotions when you read it!. I personally think that when it has a lot of feeling and the reader can relate it makes it an excellent poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The study of literature and poetry is an examination of the formulation of language!. The highest and best use of the English Language and original uses and contributions to it are what mark a poet or a poem as great!. This is a very simple concept that is not even mentioned in most of our schools until college level!. By then it can be too late to appreciate what was read before!. Chaucer's English became Shakespeare's English!. Shakespeare's English became our English!. It is all in the use of the language!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Passion makes the poet and thier poem great!. Any subject, feeling (love or hate) comes across as moving when you feel thier passion through thier words!. I agree with you on the Bono thing, but I don't have a favourite - the feeling I get from the poem is what determines it for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow! I love this question!. I'm a Poet!. I believe when you express how you feel about something with emotions and feelings, and show completely how you feel that makes a great poem!. What makes a great Poet is someone who writes daily, and sees life like a story, or a poem!. My favorite Poet is old but, King Solomon in the Bible!. He was the wisest man ever, except Jesus!.

If you like poetry you can buy my book on AuthorHouse!.com!. My book is entitled: Poetry of Tomorrow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

poems that come from the heart, and that make the reader feel sad or happy (or just "feel")

my fav!. poet is shel silverstein!.!.!.(he's passes away)
but he was such a great childrens poet!!
i think he was greatWww@QuestionHome@Com

descriptive defo
i love billie joe's(armstrong) poetry
you check it out on poetry!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com