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Position:Home>Poetry> Here's a it interesting?

Question: Here's a thought!.!.!.is it interesting!?

Let it be
that my words
define me!.

They are
no longer

I become them,
and they me!.

no longer!.

When did the
become their

and lose
their humanity!?

Will you
always know me
by the page

or will you see beyond!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To answer: writers are, to their readers, defined very much by their works!. How can they not be!? If you know the writer outside of their body of work, then there is more to go on, but when their words are all you know, it's all you have!. That being said, you speak of humanity (and the loss there of) in your poem--ah, not at all, for a person does form out of the depth of your words, and your words do tend to have great depth!.

But, now that I'm thinking about it, one does have to acknowledge the fact that it could all be made up: what a talented writer it would be who could create a perceived character who was not even close to who they are!.

Still though, I think the the obviously empathic and lyrical person that comes through from your writing absolutely must be legitimate!. And do I have any other insight!? Only your commentary on my own work--more words, written on the digital page!. Hmm!.!.!.!.!.

Your poem is definitely something for writers and readers alike to ponder upon; how much truth is in a person's writing!? For that matter, how much truth is in a person's actions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a lad, I was taught about words needing agreement in both NUMBER and gender!. Since then, usage has been changing, allowing "their" to be used as both singular and plural!. Did you want "their" used to refer to the words (as it is written) or to you (in which case it is YOUR art and YOUR humanity)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you should write a sweet refrain,
Will you all mellow be!?
And should you write it dark and deep,
Will you hate even me!.
The writer will become the work,
Lose all identity!.
Whatever's written on the page,
Is what the world will see!.
So write the words to know you by,
And we will know you thus!.
It matters not how you will write,
Just write for all of us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

C!.S!. Lewis "Do we read to know we are not alone"

I feel we write to do the same, Who said, "Read between the lines" I don't know!. Experience and age grow from sympathy
to empathy as do other virtues over looked!.
It once came to mind "Labels come with manufactures directions" So I first pealed them off of me and all the rest,
to see beyond my self and others, set all spirits free!.

A very in depth thoughtful poem few words and your message rings clear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it just fine, it just felt like you were trying to do something in the begining that I missed!. I think it got better here though:

When did the
become their

and lose
their humanity!?

Will you
always know me
by the page

or will you see beyond!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very nice!. I would only change one word!. Last four lines!.!.!.

Will you
always know me
by my rage

or will you see beyond!.

I just like the imagery of rage rather than page!. A small change, but it changes the tone of the poem and gives it power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are a piece of art from all,
simply some just dont know,
dropping a piece here and there!.
oh! this piece looks like a poem!
oh! and this piece looks like a thought!
and dang, this piece has no name,
hmmm, it must be art!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this is one of my favorites of yours!.!.!.very well said!. If people took the time to see, and actually care about, what is beyond many things!.!.!.I think we would be living in a completely different world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As cryptic as your words are ( that is a compliment), we must always see beyond, if we can! Anyone can read a story, what you take away is the value!. Well said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see beyond the beautiful, eloquent words to a personal grace and beauty even greater!. I love this fascinating, esoteric perspective about art and artist!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well said!. Very well said indeed!. Seeing beyond unfortunately seems beyond some people!. What is actually being said is the heart of all words!. Bravo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see your words!. I see you!. That is the answer to your poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com