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Position:Home>Poetry> Acrostic poem, first try! Is it or isn't on track?

Question: Acrostic poem, first try! Is it or isn't on track!?

Apples cling to branches others lay a ground
Craving your attention depend on sun and rain
Roots exposied knotted twisted and hidden earthly deep
Orchard old neglected on acres rolling hills
Some green,bright red, golden crunchy sour sweet and tart
Trying desperately to furlish without care of generations family
Insects worms mar their luster, tall waving grass weeds control
Closed and sold; changing landscapes heartland just yesterday! bulldozed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A neglected apple orchard in the heartland; land that once flourished and was tended by generations was sold out to progress!.
A past discontinued!.

The poem is lovely, Jenny!. And I love the acrostic format!. Too bad it doesn't match the poem itself but this is a FIRST attempt!? It's absolutely terrific for a first try!. By the way, You already have 4 of the 7 letters needed to spell out orchard!. Save all the wonderfully expressive lines and re-arrange them and just add on!. If you can do this on a first try, you won't have any problems going back to the drawing board on this and expanding it a bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually the word reading down does indeed have something to do with the subject of the poem, otherwise there is no point in an acrostic poem!.

And what is "furlish!?" Did you mean flourish!?

I am not certain what the point of this poem is, either!. Is it a lament to nature in general, or just to apple trees!? Be a little more specific, and try to make the acrostic match the poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is an acrostic!. An excellent subject since it conveys more than just the lost of another orchard!. Your meter does not flow well as I read!.!.!.could just be me!. And even though it is an acrostic, there should be some attempt of flow between lines!. This is worth developing more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's pretty good!. The only thing I would say is that I thought that usually the acrostic word has something to do with the subject of the poem!.

However, I think the actual poetry is quite good!.

Keep it up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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NEED A HUG!?!?!?/Www@QuestionHome@Com