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Question: POETRY help!?!!?
Can someone please help me with these two poems!. One poem i have to argue/persuade a panel of English teachers that this poem shoudle be included in the poetry unit!. And the other i have to challenge/ argue agianst the cultural assuptions, ideologies underpinning the poem!. Both poems are below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it depends what your english unit if focusing on!.!.!.
both poems are very good!.

the first one has excellent imagery, metaphors and assimilation etc!.!.!. if you've been learning about poetry, this poem is a great example for the elements of poetry!.

if on the other hand you are learning about how poetry can be used to reflect a period in time and the opinions of people etc etc, then the second poem is ideal too!. it talks about how soldiers were told that fighting in a war was a glorified thing to do and how it was an excellent opportunity for young men to see the world!.!.!. what they didn't say was the danger involved!. and how it wasn't much of the holiday the propaganda showed it to be!.!.!.

so, i'm a little confused as you what your answers are (for/against) for your arguments!.!.!. but if it was me i'd be saying that the first poem is good for students to have in a poetry unit!.!.!. the second one i'd have more trouble with but you could argue that some people in the era that the poem was written held war up as a glorified, patriotic thing to go and do!.!.!. and hence what this poet is saying doesn't necessarily reflect the mindset of all Australians (it sounds Australian)!.!.!. even though it is kinda true!.!.!.

hmmm!.!.!. if that doesn't help much, feel free to ad more to your posting and I'll see if i can help further!.


ok cool, now i understand!.

the first poem, doesn't give much at all!.!.!.
its imagery is somewhat appealing but gives no indication of underpinning beliefs, messages or even information of when it was written, inspirations or even the era in which its set!.
your right in saying it shares no beliefs or ideals
so yeah, Frost creates some ascetically pleasing phrases!.!.!. and tells part of a story but gives no explanation as to why!.!.!. no reasoning!.!.!.
and because you don't have explanation as to what he's talking about it makes it hard for a reader/audience to connect with this poem as there is not much to understand!.
all you really get from it is a fair picture of where the person is!.!.!. but left with a question of why!.
where is this guy on his horse going!.!.!. why does he have to go!? he repeats his final line, to emphasise and give meaning to that he has a definite reason for going on his journey!.!.!. but doesn't tell you anymore!.
it clearly has no ideological message for us, I'd say its purely a poem to create an atmosphere, bring up some imagery use a definite poem writing structure and tickle your imagination!.

so your argument is pretty solid!.

hope that helps you at all!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

first one sounds like sexWww@QuestionHome@Com