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Position:Home>Poetry> Where's the flamin' rain?

Question: Where's the flamin' rain!?
Five years the drought has lasted now,
two thousand sheep and as many a cow
are as bones scattered about the red dust!.
If it don’t rain soon, strewth, I’ll go flamin’

I’ve sunk a dozen or more bores but no water
My dams are near dry waiting for the big wet!.
Two of my youngest aint never seen any rain,
We show them pictures of big wets again and

To flamin' far from Emerald and miles from the
It has been seven years, since we could honestly
boast that our spread could send a thousand cattle,
all well bred, way over to Muckadilla where runs the
nearest railhead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You have captured the heart and soul of a rancher in this one!. Another excellent writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, Australia, land of the red sand!. The jumping kangaroo and the monitor lizard, Tasmanian devil and the wombat, koala and the kookaburra, though your skin may be dry your heart is warm!. Steve Irwin's soul is your saint!. May you live long and prosper through out the driest of season's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A sad but nice lament of the life of a rancher or farmer!. The capricious nature of weather finds few friends but many memories!. You story to me is more prose than poem!. Is that the intended form you chose!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have some of mine; it has been raining here in New York for the past 36 hours!. It should put out some of those flames!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

move to england

theres plenty here =/Www@QuestionHome@Com