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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem about God. Not all of me is dark. How is this.?

Question: A poem about God!. Not all of me is dark!. How is this!.!?

Where are your friends now,
as you slowly die!.
Wounds cut so deeply,
your life fades away!.

No one to help you,
your hour of need!.
Massive neurosis,
their conscience is clean!.

We're raised upon lies,
from when we are born!.
All decent people,
will listen, obey!.

Only the mindless,
will hear your sad call!.
Still he hears your prayers,
he listens with awe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It has always been apparent that there is much more to you than dark!. And yes, he hears !.!.!. good poem to remind us of this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like that place in you that isn't dark!. It has a nice, decent attitude about it!. It is good to have a little humility inside somewhere!.
This isn't by me, but I thought it went along with your idea somewhat!. It is only one verse out of 5;

Jesus built a bridge of love that reaches from heaven to earth
Only He can save lost souls and reveal what life is worth,
He hears every cry and sees our every tear,
When we find His bridge of love, He will take away all fear!.

Thanks for sharing with us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good for you!
It is a wonderful poem!.!.!.
Your heart is open!.!.!.and!.!.its is full of light!
God Bless you "Sweet" Prince

Of course all of you isn't dark!.
This is a lovely poem!.
Nice work:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like this one, and I like poe's answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com