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Position:Home>Poetry> I wrote this for the homeless. We see them but they are invisible. How is this.?

Question: I wrote this for the homeless!. We see them but they are invisible!. How is this!.!?
"the invisible"

The daggers poised,
for shallow minds!.
Unheard laughing,
disrupting all!.

Rotten misery,
their pointless lives!.
Beggars gathered,
all faith is lost!.

Cruel existence,
of these poor souls!.
Why must they die,
exist no more!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
we don't see them because we don't WANT to!. We look the other way because we are so caught up in our own lives,, that we blow them off as insignificant people!. Others of us just can't seem to cope with the fact we aren't the only ones suffering!. I don't see why we treat them any differently!! They are just like you and me!! Just poorer!. Well written SteveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wonderful piece TDP,

It is the "Shallow minds" who do not see!.
I see the invisible everyday!. Am I crazy for seeing that which is not there!? Crazy then I be!.
They come to our office everyday, seeking food, shelter and assistance!. As a County employee, I do what I can to assist them to receive what can be provided by the county and state!.
They are not invisible to me!. They are real, as real as me!.

There are some who wish, that I too was invisible!.

Powerful piece for me,

PS: Could assist you into a more detail reality if you want more detail!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

DP, spend time to know them first!. A lot choose this life!. I volunteered in a homeless shelter for 5 years!. These were ones screened for drugs, etc!. first!. A large portion were repeat visitors month after month in the winter!. There were and are many agencies available to help them but they choose to exist on their own terms!. The homeless encompasses a vast array of people with addictions, mental issues, to ones just down on their luck!. Yes we need social networks to help our fellow man and they exist but there are those that simply choose to live that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was really nice and deep!. I get a lot of emotion out of this when reading it!. You did really good!. I like it! This part was the most coolest:
"Rotten misery,
their pointless lives,
Beggars gathered,
all faith is lost!."

Nice : ]Www@QuestionHome@Com

We see homeless people, but pretend that we don't because we feel that we are better then them and that if they worked as hard as us then they wouldn't be homeless!. Harsh, but sadly, true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it a lot, it is really meaningfulWww@QuestionHome@Com

that's really good :)
nice work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats really good,kind of sad but nice jobWww@QuestionHome@Com

we see them but we dont think twice about them and we dont do anything to helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's beautiful and vry true!. we never take time to think abt those things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com