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Position:Home>Poetry> Please CRITIQUE my poem??!!! Please?

Question: Please CRITIQUE my poem!?!?!!! Please!?
On spring days,
the flowers and trees relive again,
to show the beauty of the
Earth's nature!.

On summer days,
the sun kisses the nature
with its rays of light, to show the
earth's nature it's radiance!.

On autumn days,
the wind whispers to the
nature of the earth, of how beautiful
the leaves of trees can be!.

On winter days,
the snows breathes its icy breath on nature , letting it look like a winter beauty!.

also put how old u think my cousin is!. make sure u dont cuss wen u want to give this poem a bad rating!. also i asked q b4 twice!. i know!.!.lol!. i just wanted more ppl to review it so she/he can get some more publicity!.

oh yeah!. by the way, the only reason why i put he/she cuz my cousin doesnt want ppl to know his/her's genderWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I find it very good!. Could flow a little smoother, but other than that, nicely done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me it seemed like a false interpretation of the seasons!. Describing winter as beautiful instead of harsh and cruel shows that the poet was not taking the reality of death into account while writing it!. I'd say between the ages of 13 and 15!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in spring

Ok not to be mean to ur he she cousin or anything!. Sounds like a sad 10th grader probaly on the football team strugling to pass english!. Am I right!?(e-mail me bck I have to know) I have had my poems published since 6th grade!. But for ur he she cousin trying to pass 10th grade English!.!.!. There's NOTHING I can do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The poem is very good, except:
Change the word "relive" to "live" in line 2
Delete the word "the" between kisses and nature in line 6

I think your cousin is 11!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's good for a high school level work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com