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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you echo my Good Night wish?

Question: Do you echo my Good Night wish!?
A Special Day

The sun is swiftly setting
upon the silent shore,
the robin has ceased his getting
of bugs he needs no more!.

This special day has been replete
with work from virtual friends
from even those most indiscrete
but now this glad day ends!.

My brain and body are tired
and so I'll just say "Good Night"
tomorrow I'll feel wired
once the sun is shining bright!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's Good Morning from where i live!. But anyway, Good Night Elaine!.!.!.you deserve a good night sleep after a "tiring" day with your virtual friends!. Thank you for your kind comments!. I, now am looking forward for a speedy recovery!. The result was negative by the way!.!.!.i was not infected by any virus!. I don't choose life, life chooses me!.!.!.so i guess i'll stick with it till it leaves me forever!. Good night, Elaine!. Sleep tight!. Dream of all of us!.!.!. Your virtual friends!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd recommend "pecking" instead of "getting", I'd add a "so" before "tired" to even out the beats, and rewrite the next line to read, "that I'll just say, "goodnight"!. The second to last line needs work!.!.!.maybe, "I hope tomorrow I feel wired"!.!.!.which would balance out the beats and lead more easily into the last line!.

Nice poem!.!.!.keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

The sun is swiftly setting
upon the silent shore,
the robin has ceased his search
for bugs he needs no more!.

This special day has been replete
with work from virtual friends
from even those most indiscreet
but now this glad day ends!.

My brain and body are tired
and so I'll just say "Good Night"
tomorrow I'll feel wired
once the sun is shining bright!.


Very nice poem Elaine!.
Indiscreet is spelled wrong though!. My only suggestion is minor changes in the first stanza!.

Good night dear friends
I bid all a sweet adieu
It has indeed been
A very good day
Thanks to all of you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would echo it, alas, I have a speech to give tomorrow, and, typical me, have spent no time preparing it, ah well!. I do, however, love the rich sentiment of this poem and wish you a night of wonderful rest, and sweet dreams!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The moon arises now
still full, but waning
tonight my dreams call
quietly they knock
Perhaps a muse comes
to plant wond'rous seeds
No! it's!.!.!. editor!
No sheep to count now
Beats and beats!.!.and beatsssssss!.

Good night Elaine dear!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A goodnight wish for poet sweet,
I lay my new rhyme at your feet!.
Until the morrow brings us nigh,
I'll say goodnight, to bed I'll fly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good night dear friend,
May your dreams be pleasant, your poems ever forthcoming and your fingers free from Arthur Righteous!.


Good night, Elaine

Love the poem!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lovely good night poem!. Have the sweetest of dreams!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good night and sweet dreams!.
Nice work:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm glad it was a special day - will try to put my day into a poem too!. On occasions AY just hits that spot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i do:)Www@QuestionHome@Com