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Position:Home>Poetry> Heres a nice poem on global warming?

Question: Heres a nice poem on global warming!?
You see the trees
They wont last long
Soon, you will see
They will all be gone

We cut them down
Or burn them off
Carbon bound
If we don’t stop

with trees gone
with this one warning
you hear the engines song
stop global warming

SAVE THE PENGUINS!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I almost didn't comment on this one, but changed my mind!.
You have a start a something that could be good, although in it's present state, it is only mediocre!. Start by rewording it to get the same meaning by using the same number of syllables in each line, and use rhyming words in the same pattern throughout!. For example off doesn't even make a bad rhyme to stop!. Example of syllable count:
You see the trees
They wont last long
Soon, you will see
They will be gone

Leave out all and it will read better!.
also use punctuation to place pauses and stops in your poem so the reader can get the rhythm without having to read is several times!. When you finish, read it aloud to find areas that don't quite sound right!. Reading aloud makes a difference from reading silently, especially if you are the writer!.
Good luck, the world needs good writers to replace us old fogies when we expire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poem was pretty good!.!. nice meter and rhythm, the rhymes weren't too bad either!.
But, um, you can't stop something that's not there!.
Global warming ended 10 years ago in 1998!. Research the currents El Nino and El Nina, then you will find out the real truth!.

Is it a nice poem!? Sure!.
Is the theme nice!? No the theme's a lie!.

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