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Position:Home>Poetry> Anyone care to comment or offer helpful critique of this poem?

Question: Anyone care to comment or offer helpful critique of this poem!?
Salvation In Music

I am saved at times by music’s
Ability to transport
Mind and spirit to a different place,
Any circumstances in life!.

A lifting, soothing balm,
To frazzled nerves, riding the edge;
Hope fills emptiness,
A smile penetrates weary tears!.

Enlivened; compelled
To keep in tune with the universe,
Life breathes back into my soul as it
Connects and restores!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I loved it!.
I would add
an ending the relates
to music coming to
a certain climax!.

I'll give you a 8 out of 10
finish it with a musical
climax and I'll give you a 10!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"A smile penetrates weary tears" Wow!

Have you been the ghost rider in my car! One of my favorite things a slow drive on old familiar back roads or around the lake playing CD's, is a "delicious" escape, and brings me all
you describe, thank you for the share!. BravoWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow!. i can really connect with this poem!.
It's really good!

can you help me with mine!?

Very nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com