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Position:Home>Poetry> Any comments or positive critiques of this poem?

Question: Any comments or positive critiques of this poem!?
Bring Me Wine

Many of life’s pleasures
Are as wine to the palate,
The smell of a new rose
Blossoming in spring,
Stirring music;
Good food; delicious laughter!.

Senses enlivened and joyful;
Humaness in celebration of itself
Forgetting the fight,
Losing the judgements;
Heavy burdens lightened!.

Let me drink deeply of
Life’s goodness,
Real, Bold, Envigorating and Filling!.
How thirsty I am for living
Forgiving and Being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I see nothing to critique here, but plenty to comment on!. Your imagery, as ever, is beautiful and stunning and the poem had a gentle flow that lulled me into the exact same state as the speaker!. This is a good thing!. The last stanza made me smile, and a little bit winsome, and a lotta bit thirsty!. So, whatever wine you find, will you send me the information so that I can find it myself, and drink deeply of forgiving, and being!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

funny, i got inspired to drink wine last night and read about the grape for an hour or so!. there is something beautiful and metaphorical about the whole pursuit of growing wine isn't there!? what a fine labor that must be to grow grapes and produce wine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

( "delicious" a favorite word of description)

A poem full of flavor for a gentle kinder world we once knew and yearn for, even if it was an illusion it worked! Another
encore for you Autumn Lover!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The whole poem is beautifully written and equally as lovely in content!. I especially like the last stanza and the last two lines in the stanza!. Wonderful poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alright!.!.!.you had me at wine! Problem was I could not stop reading this beautiful poem!. Well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


p!.s!. GO WINE GO!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com