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Position:Home>Poetry> Acrostic Challenge--Coffee--is anyone UP for it?

Question: Acrostic Challenge--Coffee--is anyone UP for it!?
Creamy flavor, although it's
obsdian black!. It
forgives all late nights and
forgets all transgressions!.
Even though I abuse it, it will
ever be there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Coffee, coffee in my cup
Opens my eyes, wakes me up
Frothy, dreamy , hot and steamy
Frappucchino, Mocha Creamy!
Every time I say "That's it"
Evil coffee won't let me quit!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Colombian bean, South Americas crop!.
On misty mountains, where the temperature drops!.
Follow Don Juan Valdez, clear to the top!.
Finding the best, of the ripe seeds!.
Each and everyday, is this mans creed!.
Enjoyment for all, who thirst for the need!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can I spend another minute
Out of coffee with sugar in it!?
For without coffee, I will cry,
Frantic, I feel I might just die,
Even though I have some tea,
Early in the morn it's not for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Caffeine flows to my body’s parts,
Or makes a jump start to my heart!.
Flying to my arms and legs,
Fleeing from it, all the dregs!.
Enjoy the feelings you will find,
Every sip will free your mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

“My Favourite Cup”

Cerulean blue china cup
On a chipped matching saucer
Favoured for its history
Father gave it as a gift
Elaborately wrapped with ribbon
Expression of his love


Only cream
Fueling my morning
Finalizing my wake up
Exit my house to be at work by


Orange, it's not!.
Full of flavor
Full!.!.!. I'll savor!.
Every little, precious drop!
Even though it's very hot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Coffee later
OMG is THAT the time!?!
Forget the toast
Feed the cat
Eat later at Rush
Early!.!.!.it's way too earlyWww@QuestionHome@Com
