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Position:Home>Poetry> Extended metaphor poem about life?

Question: Extended metaphor poem about life!?
i need some ideas!.!.
i need at least three life metaphors!.!.
for example!.!.life is a sleek cat with soft padded paws, life is a piece of bubble gum, life is a fragile tree; its bare branches covered with snow!.
And also it has to be explained why it is a "life metaphor"
thanks (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get!!!
haha!.!.!.!. ok!.
Life is like calculus, you can't explain it!.
Life is like a leaf in a gale, you're trapped and going no where!.

7 days without soccer makes one weakWww@QuestionHome@Com