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Position:Home>Poetry> Will you rate my poem? please?

Question: Will you rate my poem!? please!?
You were never there
you were somewhere else
i dont know where
but i needed your help

you looked down on me
when i tried
Turned your head away
when i cried
in your presence
i would hide
i was ALWAYS less in your mind

when vulnerable
you struck
always hitting
like a high speed bus
farther farther
and deeper it cut
like your lifes razor
in my heart forever stuck

i wont be there
youre all alone
ill only stare
you are on your ownWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
that was good!
your rhyming skills definately beat out mine

the part about the high speed bus is a little edgy and it almost doesnt flow, though!.

i would read this poem over and over againWww@QuestionHome@Com

i really like it!. honestly i could kinda relate to it!. do another one

will you look at my poem!?



i love it, its very good!. it expresses your emotion clearly <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

8/10!. very good and creative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com