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Position:Home>Poetry> Yay! Another poem. Will you comment and critique?

Question: Yay! Another poem!. Will you comment and critique!?

Sing not at the end of the day,
because then
harships are done,
ready to be wiped away
in peace, in slumber!.

Sing not in the wee hours of morning,
for then the words
will not ring
in the foggy minds and weary bodies,
deprived of coffee and kindness!.

Sing not during the midday hour,
for then all the bells
are ringing,
and the rat race runs you over,
and your meaning is missed by the masses!.

Sing not in the morning,
the night,
or the noon,
but never, beloved,
cease singing!.

Let the melody flow,
crescendo and fly
all hours of day and night!.
Consistencey a commodity
not often found in this world!.

So sing every minute,
every hour, every day,
the voice is abused,
from being unused,
and soon it will fade away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really love this!. It brightens my night!. Up until the last stanza I calculated that singing would be permissible only between 7:58 and 8:03 pm!. I'm glad you cleared that up!. So I will help you clean up a few things!.
Spelling: hardships!. consistency!. That's all,folks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poetry is for beatniks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beautiful, Eva

Thank you for reminding me to use my voice!
The last stanza is incredible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Damned if I do and damned if I don't!.!.!.hmmmmmmmm!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

catch 22

I don't think the monkey would know a beatnik if one poured expresso on his head, or bopped his head with a bongo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u remind me a young girl of about 17 or 18 from usa!.!.
she was so fluent in wrinting a poem
it was like just free flow !.
after reading ya poem i thought i should find her poems in internt !.
so i did
i am sending this link !.!.
u both are in same business!.!.
good luck!.!.
keep writing!.!.

once she complained that the some website doesnt let her post more than 5 poems a day !.!. something like that!.

My heart sings constantly!. It sings about the life it nearly lost!. It sings of the friends it has found!. It sings about nature, and people, and objects of affection!. It sings because it can!. No one hears it singing but me, but sometimes it's song will reach the surface in the form of a poem that isn't much good, but is heartfelt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes sing your song every moment silent or aloud!.!.!.
and hear it as well!.

song is everything of you and all!.

i like how you go to the centers of things Eva!.Www@QuestionHome@Com