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Position:Home>Poetry> Can someone help me find this poem? 10 points first correct answer?

Question: Can someone help me find this poem!? 10 points first correct answer!?
it's a really obscure poem i think!.

I heard it at a poetry reading competition!. it's about a man named "buddy" who's dying in the hospital of AIDS!. his friend (lover!? we don't know) is visiting him in the hospital and telling him a story while he's in a coma!. the narrator (the friend or lover) gets to the part of his story when he is talking about the zen master who says "the tea is delicious"!.!.!.!. he leans down to buddy's ear and says "the tea is delicious" and buddy's eyes snap open and he looks up at his friend and says "this SUCKS" and he dies!.

it's possible the poem i heard is part of a larger one!. can anyone help me find it!? 10 points to first accurate answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Famous Last Words

In haiku class
Buddy and I learned
about a zen master

who gathered all his students
to hear his final words!.
The students drew close

eager to partake
in the wisdom of the dying!.
The master asked

for a cup of tea!.
It was brought!.
He took a sip!.

"The tea is delicious,"
the zen master said
then he died!.

Buddy loved that story!.
"The tea is delicious,"
he said over and over,

"Remind me
when the time comes
the tea is delicious!."

The time came!.
Buddy lay in a coma!.
All his friends drew near

eager to partake
in the wisdom of the dying!.
Buddy didn't move

or speak for days!.
Out of nowhere
I remembered, whispered

"The tea is delicious,"
into his sleeping ear!.
Buddy's eyes flew open!.

He looked at me, said
"This sucks,"
and closed his mouth forever!.

?1997 Lesléa Newman

From Still Life With Buddy: A Novel Told in 50 Poems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not preform for mere rewards!.

10 Points is nothing in this world!.

