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Position:Home>Poetry> Read my poem, tell me what you think.. :)?

Question: Read my poem, tell me what you think!.!. :)!?
umm so i wrote it but its kinda shallow because i dont feel any of it but still i was bored from homework and decided to write it tell me what you think!.!.!.im 15
oh i dont like the 3rd para, it doesnt quite go but ahh im too lazy to bother fixing it up haha

The knife, so long and thin,
The arm, fleshy and weak,
One movement, that is all!.
A jab, a slice, a tweak!.

The knife so sharp and eager,
To stab, to rip the skin
Blood lust, to kill it quickly,
But isn’t death a sin!?

The knife, simple yet precious,
And life, all the same,
Yet can leave without goodbye,
15 years in vain!.

The knife, is it the answer!?
It’s easy, that’s for sure!.
But here’s the sneaky question,
Is my demise the cure!?

The knife, in my hand,
My knuckles bloodless white,
Clenched around a metal grip,
One slice, eternal night!.

But to do or not to do!?
To bleed or to suffer!?
Tell me knife, of life, and death,
Which of them is tougher!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Has the knife ever been in your hand, your knuckles bloodless white!? And it sounds suicidal!.!. no, /is/!. There's no fixing up you would need to do, that's for sure (as far as I know)!. Poetry doesn't have a strict punctuation or capitalization policy, and the best part is that it can also come in the form of free style!. <3

The last stanza pretty much defines the whole thing, and reminds me of Hamlet's quote "To be or not to be; that is the question!." As in 'to live or to die'!.

My opinion, I think you got the inspiration from boredom and getting into deep thinking!. =/ There's of course, better poems as there are worst!. And the query, the very last line -- only the dead knows and life doesn't have a maximum of difficulty other than infinity since every case and human is different as well; but I'd suggest just choosing to live anyways!. Something fabulous may happen someday!.

Hope I helped, or whatever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think death itself isn't a sin until someone causes it to happen!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as for emo poetry, it's good xDWww@QuestionHome@Com

i like your poem
it was very deepWww@QuestionHome@Com

I actually think it's pretty good!.
I usually don't like ones like this!.

it was really goodWww@QuestionHome@Com