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Position:Home>Poetry> The other day, while being whipped to task by Annabella, I stumbled across Swinb

Question:This is him writing about a poetic form which he invetned.

The Roundel
by Algernon Charles Swinburn

A roundel is wrought as a ring or a starbright sphere,
With craft of delight and with cunning of sound unsought,
That the heart of the hearer may smile if to pleasure his ear

A roundel is wrought.

Its jewel of music is carven of all or of aught -
Love, laughter, or mourning--remembrance of rapture or fear -
That fancy may fashion to hang in the ear of thought.
As a bird's quick song runs round, and the hearts in us hear
Pause answer to pause, and again the same strain caught,
So moves the device whence, round as a pearl or tear,

A roundel is wrought.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is him writing about a poetic form which he invetned.

The Roundel
by Algernon Charles Swinburn

A roundel is wrought as a ring or a starbright sphere,
With craft of delight and with cunning of sound unsought,
That the heart of the hearer may smile if to pleasure his ear

A roundel is wrought.

Its jewel of music is carven of all or of aught -
Love, laughter, or mourning--remembrance of rapture or fear -
That fancy may fashion to hang in the ear of thought.
As a bird's quick song runs round, and the hearts in us hear
Pause answer to pause, and again the same strain caught,
So moves the device whence, round as a pearl or tear,

A roundel is wrought.


What a coincidence. I was reading about this, this morning.

WoW TD ,,,,,,,,That was Great !!

I Really enjoyed them ..........WoW!!

What have I done now?

A Century of Roundels:

True, they are great.

roundels...part of the rondeau family. (thanks to S Fry for educating me in all that stuff... hehe)

rondeua, roundel, rondel, kyrielle.

there's an idea...can you write a kyrielle? i'm sure you could TD. i challenge you...

The words do flow,
He knows a thing or two
Or three
If you count bisexuallity
Nevertheless (or maybe it's my mood)
Poems that are wont to make me brood
Make me reallize that deep, deep down
Poetry should be the Jester, a clown
Give me delight, a smile, and a titter
No winter storms, no life gone bitter
No cat in the rain, no dieing in vain
Give me wit and beauty
Not Sturm und Drang
Not tortured artistic duty
Let's have some fun

Talk about next level skills! Thanks for the mind food TD!

Lordy, haven't read Swinburne in years! Thanks for the nudge!