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Position:Home>Poetry> Have you cleaned your refigerator lately?

Question:Whatcha doing?
Ah, attempting to clean out the refig. (What does it look like?)
They need cleaning?
Unmph. (Training is going to be difficult I think)
Yes, at least once a month! (Better get my gloves.)
Once a month? Oh, didn’t know that!
But why?
(Because the Center for Disease Control is coming by to check on it.) Ah, things spoil.
(Waving a very unappetizing bowl of something evil underneath his nose)
Phew! Ah…I think I’ll go out and sit on the deck.
(You’re going to stay put, while I load up this massive trash bag.)
Minute, darling…would you please take out the trash?
But the refig’s bare!
(Glory be, yes it is! Still smells a bit like…won’t go there.)
We’ll get it filled, I promise!
How about we go out for brunch?
(Lovely thought! Wonder if I can manage to eat.)
Just give me five minutes. You’re such a sweet heart!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Whatcha doing?
Ah, attempting to clean out the refig. (What does it look like?)
They need cleaning?
Unmph. (Training is going to be difficult I think)
Yes, at least once a month! (Better get my gloves.)
Once a month? Oh, didn’t know that!
But why?
(Because the Center for Disease Control is coming by to check on it.) Ah, things spoil.
(Waving a very unappetizing bowl of something evil underneath his nose)
Phew! Ah…I think I’ll go out and sit on the deck.
(You’re going to stay put, while I load up this massive trash bag.)
Minute, darling…would you please take out the trash?
But the refig’s bare!
(Glory be, yes it is! Still smells a bit like…won’t go there.)
We’ll get it filled, I promise!
How about we go out for brunch?
(Lovely thought! Wonder if I can manage to eat.)
Just give me five minutes. You’re such a sweet heart!

Old bottles, jars, jams and mustard
Tupperware with left over custard.
Milk containers with just one drop.
Caked on gunk what is that slop?
Oranges, apples past their prime
Clean out the fridge, it's past it's time.
Something about a nice smelling fridge
Without something sticking to the ridge.
Bottles scrubbed, tops of catsup cleaned
Welcome to the spring clean-up scene.

Well done, but I will take exception. Some men do clean refrigerators! I like the conversational style of this, very easy to read along and smile. Buy some more preserves now.

I am glad you wrote a poem about the painful subject of cleaning fridges. It is about time somebody did it.
I love the asides in the dialogue. Very funny.

once a month!

I never clean my refriderator...but then again I rarely cook. I get sandwiches at the deli or indian food at curry row.

LOL! I love your bit up there....funny your avatar turned me off I thought you would be someone that hated my schtick...I'm glad you came out and started commenting it got me to read your stuff.

Fridges need cleaning
this is to get the food that went bad
thrown out.
milk goes bad,
other dairy products too
veggies if not eaten
bread goes moldy
throw away the bad get some new
Turn off the fridge
to defrost.

Ha! I was 37 when I met Sheryl...THE confirmed bachelor. We have been married 14 years. In 2003, she said, "You can move your office to the home, but you have to do all the chores..."

What a sucker I was...


Oh Lord.....Don't make me go there!
Thanks for the inspiration....I think.

Reminder Alert !!,,,,,,,,,,, Love the style & the way you wrote it ,,,,Easy & smooth

I had a refrigerator of what you speak. Two weeks ago, I called in a cleaning crew and had them throw every item out in the trash. They then disinfected and scrubbed. The best money ever spent. Your poem reflects my poor fridge's state. You wrote it in a funny manner and brought it home.

We have a mulch pile and don't have leftovers. Both of us have owned restaurants so food never even goes out of date in the fridge. It get cleaned after a spill, that's all it ever needs. Once a year if nothing happens. We keep it "Clean enough to eat out of", and are surprised at how many people do not!!

peace and love


Great style!

Fridge should be cleaned up ans defrosted as soon as the thickly ice is formed. This is one-way ensuring a long-life fridge. I always make a point to clean my fridge every week. Obviously this is to ensure a clean way of living. Food related items are stored in there after all.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

Us confirmed bachelors like refrigs that smell a little bit. We can identify the foods that are in there by the odors when we pass it and know if there is anything in there ripe enough to eat. I don't like to wash my sheets until they get nice and crispy too.
Ah, the pleasure of eating macaroni and cheese that has that nice green patina....

Very nice but I do most of the cleaning in my house and the refrigerator was done about 2 weeks ago and gets it about every 3 months

the conversational style you employ is wonderful...if every one adopt the same measure and style, poetry will be left without colours....but here we have words coloured with a unique style and textured with masterful technique! well done...

That very dialogue goes on in our house all of the time. ;-)