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Question:Swiftly softly leaves a'twirl
Tell me tell me who's your pearl?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Swiftly softly leaves a'twirl
Tell me tell me who's your pearl?

you da pearl
leaves they twirl

Who lies beneath, the swirling sea,
Who lies beneath, waiting for me.
Come to me, through the sand and dust.
Come to me, let us share our lust.

My pearl is genuine
Smooth and round
On the scale
It weighs 14 pounds

u are the pearl beneath the sea
inside the clam trapped constantly

i'll save you babe i'll dive down deep
for you are the pearl i want to keep

i'll hold you forever not letting you go
you are my pearl i love you so!

I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam-I-Am.

Swiftly softly leaves a'twirl
Tell me tell me who's your pearl?
floating on the blue sea swirl,
I spy the one, i spy the girl,
her hair green as atlantic depth,
and eyes that storm beneith the top,
i start and slowly up i krept,
up stained and moist salty rock,
she stared at me and i returned,
the gaze of oceans past i learned.

Gently gently, whispers her lover,
To tell her, tell her who's the pearl.