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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem, please review!???

Question:I don't think it is one of my best, but I thought it up last night while helping someone else with her poem. Comments welcome.

School Troubles

Homework piles high,
A daunting task ahead,
‘I’m going to die’
Runs through my mind.
Hours pass slowly by,
Half of which I worked,
Night falls to day
With still work to be done.
Weeks pass to no avail,
The pile never stops
And my grades topple,
Crawling to rock bottom.
‘What am I going to do?’
I ask myself as failure rolls by,
‘What is the point to even try?’

College looms in my eye,
A goal that must be reached.
A mighty sigh and back to work,
The pile must be mastered,
Another sleepless night,
But not a minute wasted.

Within a month I knew,
I’m going to college after all.
A weary smile awakes,
Summer is not so far away,
I think I will survive this year,
With only one more to go,
College here I come!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't think it is one of my best, but I thought it up last night while helping someone else with her poem. Comments welcome.

School Troubles

Homework piles high,
A daunting task ahead,
‘I’m going to die’
Runs through my mind.
Hours pass slowly by,
Half of which I worked,
Night falls to day
With still work to be done.
Weeks pass to no avail,
The pile never stops
And my grades topple,
Crawling to rock bottom.
‘What am I going to do?’
I ask myself as failure rolls by,
‘What is the point to even try?’

College looms in my eye,
A goal that must be reached.
A mighty sigh and back to work,
The pile must be mastered,
Another sleepless night,
But not a minute wasted.

Within a month I knew,
I’m going to college after all.
A weary smile awakes,
Summer is not so far away,
I think I will survive this year,
With only one more to go,
College here I come!

talking about school makes you seem younger and less educated on other aspects of life... i would suggest writing about deeper things if you want to be a more respected poet

i luv it this would be the best poem i have
ever READ!!!! I wish i could write like you!
Your must be really smart i luv ur language it makes
you feel as if your experiancing it instead of just reading
it.! :)

holy crap i feel like the same way except i still don't feel like i'll survive in college. but the time to go is coming whether i like it or not. graduation is so scary.
but anyways, good poem keep on writing, writing. and maybe you can check my poem out, like rate it or whatev, thatd be kool. well peace =)