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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you use poetry to hide behind words?

Question:Metaphor, simile, acronymphos...?

Do do you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Metaphor, simile, acronymphos...?

Do do you?

I express what I see with my poetry. But I'm a writer, so In a way, the answer would be YES

if i got your question right... my answer is yes yes yes. especially puns! :) added such humour and ambiguity to my life!

Yes. Thats how i relieve myself of something thats bothering me. Its mostly when im laying in the dark right before i fall asleep. I have a journal next to me and i just write my thoughts and it mostly becomes poetry.

I'm way too fat to hide behind even the biggest word ....supercalfrassy ... something ....

yes, sometimes. so much easier to write a poem, than to try explaining something to another person..though admittedly, even easier is to just splurge the thoughts into a diary as they come.

what i hate is when i don't dare speak to a person about something, but can't find the words to poet it.