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Position:Home>Poetry> What are some good ideas for poetry?

Question:I need to write a poem for a contest, but I have NO idea where to start. HELP!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need to write a poem for a contest, but I have NO idea where to start. HELP!

Write what you know, or you won't succeed.

For me, I write about feeling left out. I write about my dreams. I write about my friends. I write about how it feels to be the only girl I know who hasn't yet kissed a boy. I write about being sixteen, and how it's so hard to try to fit in, but not lose my own self while doing it, and how the media forces certain things I don't find myself liking.

Write about you right now. Is your life amazing? Write how you feel when something wonderful happens to you, or how you're frustrated by having to think so hard. Write about how angry someone made you, or how sad something made you when you were little. Write about being little, what life was like. Write about time in general.


You could try explaining the meaning of poetry; it's nature and purpose. I know that there are already poems that try to explain the very nature of poetry but i have not yet encountered one that tried to explain modern poetry. You can also defend modern poetry, especially free verse.

poetry comes from everywhere!! just look around you, look at your life and whats going on and any emotions that you need to get out...or anything else thats going on with someone around you!

death, love, birds..... just look around, you can write poetry about anything that interests you =)

The world around you is the best subject of all.....
your morning thoughts
things that make you sad or made
something that happened that day
your feelings
questions about life and the people around you