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Position:Home>Poetry> Is this poem up to size.?

Question:"takin care of bizness"

My right arm is sore,
thinking of you.
All of that thinkings,
given me tennis elbow.

Chaffings no problem,
thank god for KY.
Closing my eyes
it feels like you.

Every boys favorite toy.
But even adults
still like to have fun.

I'm reaching my goal,
just thinking of you.
Now I am cummmming,
where's that box of kleenex.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "takin care of bizness"

My right arm is sore,
thinking of you.
All of that thinkings,
given me tennis elbow.

Chaffings no problem,
thank god for KY.
Closing my eyes
it feels like you.

Every boys favorite toy.
But even adults
still like to have fun.

I'm reaching my goal,
just thinking of you.
Now I am cummmming,
where's that box of kleenex.

God yer so gonna end up with a suspension for that. LOL.

Good show!

I don`t know If It`s up to size. Does size matter?


started with subtlety, ended with less. i think, personally, the subtlety is best, but it's your poem.

oh wow...i'm blushing!

This is too much - lol. Yes, tennis elbow is an occupational hazzard.

lol bad poetry but if its true then ride with that (Y)

You need a trainer. Professionals never get tennis elbow syndrome. Now the really smart can finish from there. A riddle somewhat obvious you would think:

A working man does it himself
A Trappist monk only prays
A millionaire buys it
but a entrepreneur...
makes money doing it!

What is it?

Oh God, you made me laugh. Thanks, lol.

If only school were this bad, unfortunately, it's much much MUCH worse.

i'm not even going to answer the question you asked, you seriously are like a teenage guy stilll. (god help me)

Wow, 3 hours ago and it's still here... cool dude.