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Position:Home>Poetry> Any good emo suicide poems you wrote?

Question:I wont use thim just need ideas

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I wont use thim just need ideas

might not be what want but have a look at mine,its my first attempt at a poem

Sitting there in the vast of loss
Choosing not to be 'in'
By myself
In a corner wanting to scream my dying heart out
Dying to get it all out

Thinking of last nights dream
Going through it, want it to be
For the one last chance to grab her heart
And fill it with my love

But still he is the only one with her key
Wanting to get out and stab his heart,
Rip it out and shred it to pieces
Fuelling on my love and devotion to her

But I’m still there
In the same lonely corner
Staring across the room at her

Dying with each lonesome breath

why do you need ideas?

Committing suicide is not a joke, and people really shouldnt go around thinking its cool to write peoms about killing themselves. If you are depressed, talk to someone or get counseling. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

write something happy =]

You do not have to live under the label of emo... Writing about pain is not the issue, I do this all the time... My love is dieing from a sickness I do not understand. Reach beneath the surface, what people see and expect. Find something that you did not know you had and rip it out, placing it on the page with quill and blood for ink. Never let anyone tell you that dark poetry is bad but do not let it rule you.

You are not what they see... show them through your writing what you can be...

As to what to write about; what are you feeling the most? What do you wish you could feel? What do you think others are feeling? Describe it in color or in black-and-white but turn it into your own...

I know this isn't a poem I wrote, if you want that go back and look at my profile, but I connected to the energies that surrounded your question...

Blessed Be