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Position:Home>Poetry> Help with narrative poem???!!!!?

Question:i really need to turn in one tomorrow, and i don't know what to do!!! can anyone give me a link to a narrative poem that isn't written by a famous author?? or PLEASE HELP IN ANY WAY!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i really need to turn in one tomorrow, and i don't know what to do!!! can anyone give me a link to a narrative poem that isn't written by a famous author?? or PLEASE HELP IN ANY WAY!!!!

First, does it have to be written by you? If so, and it sounds as if it does, then asking for a link to someone's is out of the question, that would be plagiarism. If you just need to turn in one that someone else wrote, then I can help you. Give me an email and I will set you up.