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Position:Home>Poetry> Frank's probably asleep, nauseous from fried bologna and onions for dinner.

Gimmy’ d’ Gas
by TD Euwaite

He took the exclamation mark
From offa’ Yahoo?
And swung it about wildly
Until striking poor Frank on the head
Unable to exclaim,
Frank farted


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
Gimmy’ d’ Gas
by TD Euwaite

He took the exclamation mark
From offa’ Yahoo?
And swung it about wildly
Until striking poor Frank on the head
Unable to exclaim,
Frank farted


Oh, you really didn't have to, TD. I was trying to go to sleep, now I'm laughing.

It's like I've been exposed to laughing gas....something NOXius.

OMFG Trendy Old Chick - that was so hilarious. You absolutely must get best answer for that.

Playing with gas?


Im not sure that I understood the ?
But you should consider becoming a poet.

Poor Frank ate too much and is full of onions and fried bologna.

No wonder why he doesn't have a girlfriend and always is so lonely.

If only he could learn to eat the kinds of foods that wouldn't make him so gassy

The ladies would then probably flock around Frank, and might even find him a bit classy!

LOL! Though, not one of your best works...are you sleepy, TD?

You sound bored TD. LOL!

As ol' blue eyes Frankie S. would have said, "It's a gas!"