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Question:i want to give my wife a i love you poem but cant find any good ones

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i want to give my wife a i love you poem but cant find any good ones

why don't you try making your own.... just think back of the days when you and your wife made romance, think back of the days where you had your first date with her....or tell her how beautiful she is and how she turned out to be so wonderful....

just express your feeling by writing it as your own poem.....your wife will think that the poems made by you are so sweet and so romantic....

When you came to your door tonight,
And your beautiful eyes gazed at me
From the darkness within,
The world around me came to a stop,
For just a few seconds,
As I saw the love from within you.

You looked at me with your warm smile,
Your black hair around your face,
And whispered softly, "hi baby",
And once again,
I was at your mercy.

For when you look into my soul
And I hear the sound of your sweet voice,
My heart opens to you my love,
With all of my dreams now fulfilled.

I never knew that a love like this
Could ever exist,
A love that consumes me,
A love so powerful,
And so overwhelming,
That I fear if I were without it,
My heart would no longer have a meaning
To its existence,
For the love that flows through it now,
Is what keeps me alive,
Keeps me whole.

As I gaze into your eyes my love,
Down into the depths of your very being,
I can see the love you feel for me,
A love as strong as my own,
A love that fills me so full of emotion,
So full of hope for the future,
That I pray I will spend the rest of my days,
Gazing into your eyes

I left you in Tacoma put a hundred miles on the road searching for my spirit hell ya trying to find my sole baby I hope you know I still love ya and I wouldn't leave ya for the road. I left you my keys and hat baby think I'm gonna need you to get back home and baby just remember one thing I need you for my sole. I hope your wife likes it its better on with music though.

Try writing her a limerick - they're fairly easy!

Anything you write sincerely from your heart will become poetry to her....doesn't have to just write a few lines of what she means to you.....TRUST ME she'll love it, more than the best poem written by someone else

i think it would be better if it came from the heart. i can give you one that was written by someone anonymous, but its still better if you wrote it...

A lasting feeling
A fiery heart, in crimson wear,
Waits to beam, so bright in the sky;
A gentle kiss on the longing lips,
My tiny universe explodes into pieces.

Love, a young star, caressing my flesh,
I, a lonesome dove, unfold my wings to soar.
So far from my eyes, yet so close to my soul,
My hands reaching up to the stars to feel the warmth of magenta joy.

Each artery and vein, a hissing snake,
Tiny corpuscles trickle in joy;
Being in the zenith where the hearts hover
I, now, hold the only star that I yearn to treasure

I wouldn't mind getting this one at any time.

You are my description of love
You are my description of friend
You are my description of everything
You are my description of beginning to end.

You have put me on a pedestal
You make me feel ten feet tall
You've always been there for me
You've loved me through it all.

You've stood by me through thick and thin
You've always been patient and kind
Just thought I'd let you know
You're the owner of this heart of mine.

So you ask how long I'll love you
Well this is what I have to say
Past, present, future, always
Forever and a day!

Woke up this morning
Arose from a good nights sleep
Sun shining on my face
Bob marley playing on the radio
Autumn leaves wave from their trees
Suddenly from across the street
a bird flew down
from a sycamore tree
A little red faced wood pecker
peered into my window
Singing his rap song to light my day

i carry your heart with me by e e cummings

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)