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Position:Home>Poetry> A short poem, PLEASE read!?

Question:Thanks for your thoughts!

Pure as rain, your love knows no evil,
You are the heart of all grace
And the source of the sun's rays.
With angels your soul sings,
A chorus in heaven, sweet in sound
And joyous in tune.
Through the clouds you soar,
Lifted on eagles’ wings,
A song on your lips.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Thanks for your thoughts!

Pure as rain, your love knows no evil,
You are the heart of all grace
And the source of the sun's rays.
With angels your soul sings,
A chorus in heaven, sweet in sound
And joyous in tune.
Through the clouds you soar,
Lifted on eagles’ wings,
A song on your lips.

that is so cool. I think it's really sweet give it to someone you like. That might work

I love it. But it's free-verse and you wrote it as a rhyming poem. Just saying. ^-^


wow, this is great . i truly liked it

u should keep on making more

Its good but make sure your puncuation is correct, and even though its a poem, make sure you have proper sentences. You should have a period after evil, not a comma. Other than that, desciption is good, but try and give images that alert the other senses, not just sight.

An eye can threaten,
An eye can sweeten
Depending on the mood.
An eye can include,
An eye can exclude
Depending on the attitude.
Be careful about what your eyes say,
For they either attract or drive others away.

Yours is fine. How is mine?

It is a lovely poem.
Nice work:)