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Position:Home>Poetry> I'm 13 years old, do you like my poem?

Question:Beautiful Land:

I walk across the lush green terrain.
A rainbow sparkles after a brief rain.

I look up at the massive sky.
I marvel at its beauty and sigh.

Towering pine trees scatter against the hill.
Growing, growing, slowly they fulfill.

A gentle breeze whispers in my ear.
It reminds me silently that there is nothing to fear.

Birds chirp songs of happiness and delight.
Some take off and go into flight.

The clouds are little white cottonballs.
Seeming like they're being held in place by walls.

Sunshine pours over the land and beyond.
Seeming to give Earth and life a bond.

There is a special magic to this land.
It is unnameable, and yet it is grand.

I actually like doing free-verse more than rhyming, but I've lost all my free-verse stuff. I wrote this for the poetry slam at my school that's coming up.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Beautiful Land:

I walk across the lush green terrain.
A rainbow sparkles after a brief rain.

I look up at the massive sky.
I marvel at its beauty and sigh.

Towering pine trees scatter against the hill.
Growing, growing, slowly they fulfill.

A gentle breeze whispers in my ear.
It reminds me silently that there is nothing to fear.

Birds chirp songs of happiness and delight.
Some take off and go into flight.

The clouds are little white cottonballs.
Seeming like they're being held in place by walls.

Sunshine pours over the land and beyond.
Seeming to give Earth and life a bond.

There is a special magic to this land.
It is unnameable, and yet it is grand.

I actually like doing free-verse more than rhyming, but I've lost all my free-verse stuff. I wrote this for the poetry slam at my school that's coming up.

are you sure you're 13?
that poem is awesome !!!!
omg..i loved it !!!

very nice =)

its nice, but there is no emotion, and slightly boring.

i like it but i hope you know that global warmings taking over and we'll all be dead soon... =(

WOW i'm speechless awsome

yerrr im 13 aswell soon anyway lol. thats a gr8 poem awesome job.!

its a good poem. really cool that you can write about stuff like this.

very nice