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Question:Poets Come Out After Dark
Written by Semper Fi Reborn (Especially for DP)

What manner of wordsmith is this?
That does ride the edges of metaphors
On a stallion of fire?
Fueled by a never ending passion,
To splice light,
And blanket the days of brightness
As a mother would to protect her young.

What manner of sword is his pen?
Refined by the blacksmiths of ages.
Cooled in the fountains of Heaven
And filled with ink darker than the oil pits of hades.

Who can write on paper
Cut from trees of gold,
And refined in the furnaces of the imaginations
Of nightmares
Haunted by memories of childhoods of despair
And dare I say solitude?

Who is this Dark Prince?
Why does he only ride at night?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Poets Come Out After Dark
Written by Semper Fi Reborn (Especially for DP)

What manner of wordsmith is this?
That does ride the edges of metaphors
On a stallion of fire?
Fueled by a never ending passion,
To splice light,
And blanket the days of brightness
As a mother would to protect her young.

What manner of sword is his pen?
Refined by the blacksmiths of ages.
Cooled in the fountains of Heaven
And filled with ink darker than the oil pits of hades.

Who can write on paper
Cut from trees of gold,
And refined in the furnaces of the imaginations
Of nightmares
Haunted by memories of childhoods of despair
And dare I say solitude?

Who is this Dark Prince?
Why does he only ride at night?

I'm not a big poetry fan, but this is a very good poem. Creative, imaginative, well written, and somewhat revealing of it's author. Thanks for sharing!

Damn man are you asking him out? lol.......

You are a wordsmith who turns night to day. Bless you!

That's quite nice Semper Fi and i love it dearly. I know Steve the dark prince will really be honored to have a great poem written about him...

that was very very good..Did u think of that just today after the last one about screen names? wow