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Position:Home>Poetry> Inspired by the Diamante Challenged...what do you think?

Question:***Just imagine it is in the Diamante form***

Cycle of Life

Innocent, Dependent
Sleeping, Eating, Cooing
Growing Body, Growing Mind
Speaking, Touching, Learning
Curious, Cautious
Adventurous, Tempermental
Trusting, Loving, Adoring
Discovering Self Through Exploration
Identifying, Seeking, Searching
Brave, Extreme
Hormonal, Confused
Demanding, Expanding, Exploring
Exercising Percieved Personal Rights
Testing, Screaming, Retreating
Obnoxious, Autonomous
Angry, Alone
Distrusting, Hurting, Yearning
Accepting Love once spurned
Healing, Dealing, Helping
Confident, Content
Inspired, Hired
Working, Building, Saving
Growing A Family Tree
Taxing, Relaxing, Resigning
Secure, Content
Carefree, Careless
Slowing, Aging, Graying
Remembering Times Gone By
Regretting, Forgetting, Upsetting,
Seasoned, Dependent


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ***Just imagine it is in the Diamante form***

Cycle of Life

Innocent, Dependent
Sleeping, Eating, Cooing
Growing Body, Growing Mind
Speaking, Touching, Learning
Curious, Cautious
Adventurous, Tempermental
Trusting, Loving, Adoring
Discovering Self Through Exploration
Identifying, Seeking, Searching
Brave, Extreme
Hormonal, Confused
Demanding, Expanding, Exploring
Exercising Percieved Personal Rights
Testing, Screaming, Retreating
Obnoxious, Autonomous
Angry, Alone
Distrusting, Hurting, Yearning
Accepting Love once spurned
Healing, Dealing, Helping
Confident, Content
Inspired, Hired
Working, Building, Saving
Growing A Family Tree
Taxing, Relaxing, Resigning
Secure, Content
Carefree, Careless
Slowing, Aging, Graying
Remembering Times Gone By
Regretting, Forgetting, Upsetting,
Seasoned, Dependent


I am not always on the poetry page, so I missed the Diamante reference - but, despite not knowing what went before I can still say I am very impressed with this poem.
Unless you burnt the midnight oil scouring dictionaries you must have an extremely full vocabulary (snide aside - I wish you could pass some tips onto some of the answerers)
It takes a lot of thought to encapsulate the 7 ages of man so succinctly - well, yes I know Shakespeare did it, but he had a bit of a lead on most of us.
Enjoyed this very much.(I slot nicely into the early part of the Retiree bit)

The long version. I really enjoyed your answer to that question. TD

Could I skip a couple of these? lol Well done ol diamante challenged bard.

Fantastic. I like how it is flowing like multiple versions of the poem.

I liked that

I think it's great. Thank you. I've just learned something new.

I like it.......the words, alliteration and assonance seem to flip and dance.....

This is an amazing display of vocabulary! Your original diamante poem was my favorite of all the submissions.

It's like reading an EEG during the REM phase.
I recently tried one of these, kudos for going the extra distance and making it span an entire life.