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Position:Home>Poetry> What should I write a poem about?

Question:how about the sounds of the night

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how about the sounds of the night

Whatever inspires you my friend

If you want good comments on here write about fairy airy crap . Otherwise write about whatever you want

About life or your favourite celebrity.

Write about what you hate, what you love, things that drive you crazy, a person you loath, a person you adore... write about life, tragedy, despair, a broken heart... your family, your friends, a lost loved one, a new love, an old vice, a bad habit, your inner-most feelings... basically you can write about anything and everything that is on your mind or in your heart. That is the beauty of poetry. You should REALLY check out - its a free writing community and I think you would really benefit from it. Lots of inspiration, ideas, other writers plus you can get real feedback on your work. If you're into writing, I would highly recommend checking it out! Good luck with your writing and no matter what, don't put that pen down!

Anything you feel good about? or even bad about perhaps :)