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Position:Home>Poetry> A small poem?

Question:Does the last line make any sense?
Should I keep going, or is it alright to stop here?

Anguish of the soul
And the tears of the heart
Reach for the caresses
Of sun swept sorrows.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does the last line make any sense?
Should I keep going, or is it alright to stop here?

Anguish of the soul
And the tears of the heart
Reach for the caresses
Of sun swept sorrows.

That is beautiful, and just so you know, that is complete as quote and/or a poem.

You could add to this, and say what happens after your reaching. Then tell what you had found, in your reach.

Then tell how disappointed you were, that it was not what you'd hoped for. Like a story of a moment in ones life.

that knows no tomorrow
as it in powers
the weak sunflowers

keep going