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Position:Home>Poetry> Would you read my poem about the Red Planet?

Question:Would you come and listen
To a story built of dreams
Towards the sky
A reddened place
Conventional the means
To reach this far off country
One would need a craft
Not the witchy
Snitchy brand
For that one would be daft
If only those four elves
That crept in to my room
Would halt their endless
Of places past the moon
I would not be going
To the big round rock
But I must for
Their on the ground
And they’re hiding all
My socks
So to the place I’ll fly
On a rocket-ship
And their I found
Poets abound
In brilliance
Took a dip
Now for this condensed rhyme
I may not get my stars
But that is fine
Because I now
Have finally seen

*Wink* to all who see...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Would you come and listen
To a story built of dreams
Towards the sky
A reddened place
Conventional the means
To reach this far off country
One would need a craft
Not the witchy
Snitchy brand
For that one would be daft
If only those four elves
That crept in to my room
Would halt their endless
Of places past the moon
I would not be going
To the big round rock
But I must for
Their on the ground
And they’re hiding all
My socks
So to the place I’ll fly
On a rocket-ship
And their I found
Poets abound
In brilliance
Took a dip
Now for this condensed rhyme
I may not get my stars
But that is fine
Because I now
Have finally seen

*Wink* to all who see...

I like the way it is humorous but is handled with seriousness... what is the *wink* for, I thought I should know everything?

I love it! I love space, planets, and the galaxy, so reading a poem about Mars is great! As a writer/poet myself, I love it!

Is this you attempts to gain entrance into "Mars"? If it is, I must say, it isn't bad... but they will not be too interested in someone who is so desperate! the wink!

Good show! Let's go!
(Elves are to blame for lost socks.)

It is really cute and great . and i would love to order my ticket now please lol ..


Pretty Damn Good, my friend...

You must be reading "Illium" by Dan Simmons...

If should be...

Great Story...


A simple Martian point of view
From you, so kindly offered
No scoffing at your efforts
Applause for you
From Phobos

May the Martian be with you on your journey. I would go but have no socks.

half wink

dude i'm a big sci-fi fan but when a small poem comes around its always good to appreciate it and by gods your poem is great.

I did love this poem, but being the nit-picky person I am I am wondering what - their on the ground means - do you mean There on the ground, or they're on the ground - it can't really be 'their'. (I am I am - looks really funny) also and Their I found (must be 'there')
I have now been forced to resurrect a children's poem I once wrote about 'socks' - look out for it under 'Socks' Where do they go?
More like this please

WELCOME TO MARS!!! If you don't have a place yet, we can share my rock. I'm so glad that you finally arrived.