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Question:I love doing homework assignments for people. Dont suppose they would give me credit do you?


Sunlight shines our earth receives
Our gift, our life, our sun
Lasting legacy less we waste
Argue not our need to save
Reality demands no more we waste

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I love doing homework assignments for people. Dont suppose they would give me credit do you?


Sunlight shines our earth receives
Our gift, our life, our sun
Lasting legacy less we waste
Argue not our need to save
Reality demands no more we waste

I'll credit you if you come help dig the holes for our new plants.
Botany 101. (I'm wasted enough.)

I'll have the Filet of Sol...

why dont you just ask them, like, when they *** to you and ask you then just say, ill do it for like R50 or something, sorry if you like live in londen or some where, (i live in south africa)

have a nice day,

I like pollution...i also like beer and some 'rassling.

Well said. I love, 'lasting legacy less we waste'. It is enjoyable to read and say out loud. You get an A for the assignment. And good morning to you.

I'm digging the acrosticness. You are such a poetist!!! Just try not to overheat. But, I guess without the heat you can't have a poem that is well done........nicely done.

SOL, Oh Mon!

Let us not to the marriage of true rhyme, admit impediment,
It's not how much it costs, it's the sediment.
Give us now our daily lumens,
Help us now, we're only humans.
The lilacs drank your rays, and now they're bloomin's.