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Position:Home>Poetry> What would be considered great material to wright in a poem that a girl would fa

Question:I basically just wright about romance and stuff involving a path and walking alone and etc.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I basically just wright about romance and stuff involving a path and walking alone and etc.

write about the way she makes u feel, about her eyes, about the sun and the moon...about the stars, write about the way she is...the way she smiles, write about what happens to u when ur around her...but most importantly...write something that is truthful and that comes from your heart.

Make it about her, how she looks, how she makes you feel, how wonderful she is

It's spelled "write."
Why not find a wonderful romantic poem written by a great poet? Try Elizabeth Barret Browning.

The stars and the moons in eternity in her eyes.

Money, fancy car, perfect hair, and extreme shallowness of character.

Check your spelling that is a big turn off. Write about what you feel, does she remind you of something.

The early morning sun falls on you face,
the gold of you hair radiates a glow,
although the years have past still warm my heart.

Not the best but it should give some idea of the meaning. That usually the lines I want to say but I change and rework.
Have fun in your world, you are painter.