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Position:Home>Poetry> I hit the button a poem popped out shortly. Is it any?

by TD Euwaite

It is alive!
Said Frankenstein
Instead, the monster is undead
Living, yet unloving
Only without emotion
Simple hate


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
by TD Euwaite

It is alive!
Said Frankenstein
Instead, the monster is undead
Living, yet unloving
Only without emotion
Simple hate


TD - I'm a simple soul, I never thought of any sub-text to this.Is there one?

The things I love in a poem are here in abundance in such a little thing....the echoes of sounds .....enstein - instead - undead
living - unloving - loathing (plus Only with lOathing and emOtion -I don't know if this is instinct or premeditation on your part but whenever I encounter it it warms my heart. (no I did not intend this to rhyme, it just happens all the time)

Right! Lack of love=lack of life.


True but some, but that is a different story!!! I like it, thank you for sharing.

Yes, it is. Unloving usually means suffering.

Sounds like I'M having a bad day...,,,,

Cold & Loveless,,,,,,,,,,,I like it

And A Good Morning To You

Sometimes a few words are all that are needed to capture a great thought. Well done!

NO! Ole Frankie thought that little girl picking flowers was cute.....until he dropped her over the edge....was that in the script or an ad lib?

It's all Marty Feldman's fault.