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Question:there was once a man in bandoo, who fell asleep in a canoe, he dreamed of venus and played with his penis and woke up with a hand full of goo.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: there was once a man in bandoo, who fell asleep in a canoe, he dreamed of venus and played with his penis and woke up with a hand full of goo.

Funny, very funny!

Not bad.

Brilliant, This is what poets are made of. Have a fistful of stars.

It rhymes, and follows a metrical form. Yes, it's poetry. Not especially good or sophisticated, but hey, we all have to start somewhere, and congratulations for breaking that internal taboo against the use of anatomical terms on an anonymous website.


not bad for starters
but its really a lot of goo

Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.

thats lymeric not a poem

funny funny little girl,


That's a variant on a probably much older version, which has the advantage that is uses clever substitutions to let the real rimes loose in the listener's head:

There was a Dominican monk
Who was lying asleep in his bunk.
He was dreaming that Venus
Was licking his elbow
And woke up all covered in perspiration.