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Position:Home>Poetry> Check out this tiny poem about inspiration =D....?

Question:what do you think about it, it took me a couple minutes thats all but i like it :)

Inspiration just hit me,
right on the head,
it felt like a marble,
but you never guess what it said?
use your god damn brain,
you foolish one,
dont go asking others,
just because you are dumb!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what do you think about it, it took me a couple minutes thats all but i like it :)

Inspiration just hit me,
right on the head,
it felt like a marble,
but you never guess what it said?
use your god damn brain,
you foolish one,
dont go asking others,
just because you are dumb!

haha that was really good!
brought a smile to my face!

clever, very clever...

and funny!

glad you found some - i've been hunting for a month.
nice little poem but i'm in a bad mood atm so afraid i can't give you more than that.

haha, good one :)

lol that is funny

can you answer this;...

The use of God's name in such a profane way just ruined the whole poem for me. I don't like it.

lol..that was cute..u can make a poem about anything uh..that was creative:)

Some people are confused about the 3rd Commandment. That's because they never studied Greek or Hebrew. You curse all you want. Many great poets made a career of it. TD

Its excellent=]