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Position:Home>Poetry> Poets/Writers: Would this comment bug you?? How would you react?

Question:I stopped in to visit my husband at his (family-owned) work, and I was talking with him about submitting a poem I have recently written into a contest. I guess my mother-in-law overheard and she says "Why would you want to do that, emotions aren't to be broadcasted."

What does that even mean? I am confused and a bit discouraged by her comment...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I stopped in to visit my husband at his (family-owned) work, and I was talking with him about submitting a poem I have recently written into a contest. I guess my mother-in-law overheard and she says "Why would you want to do that, emotions aren't to be broadcasted."

What does that even mean? I am confused and a bit discouraged by her comment...

There are many people who see poetry as only emotion and a therapeutic release and if it isn't done by what they call 'professionals' then it isn't worth putting out there... I have met many of these unfortunate souls. Do not worry about what "they" say and don't try to convince them... trust me, it doesn't work. Those who were not gifted with a poetic soul may never get it. It's a shame but it's also true. Go right on and post your art...

I cannot put into words how i would feel but I have felt this way before... you feel alone... at least i did. I felt like my work wasn't good enough... the more I realized that there were very few around me that would understand my writing the more I began to find fuel for that writing. Call it angst or whatever but i am over that now... do not worry, you have all of us here for you. I mean, look at how big a response you have gotten!

Hang in there and Blessed Be...

She means that the whole world doesn't need to know about your emotions... if you put them in the poem. It is your thing do whatever you feel.

I think she's thinking that all poetry is displaying the writer's bare emotions, and she doesn't think that it's appropriate. But don't be discouraged. Enter your poem.

Well i think that she is wrong i think that other people should feel your emoctions because they are probably going through the same thing. Whether it be a stuggle or something amazing- it's good to let others know how you feel. Also it's very theraputic ;)

That's her opinion...ignore it. She apparently feels threatened.
Interesting comment. Do not, not let her be your barometer!

She could have meant harm, I can't be certain of that. But people know that poems are usually emotionally driven, and would in a way put your feelings out there for all to see. I'm not saying that's the case, but that could have been what was on her mind. Or she could have just been trying to be mean.

When she says 'emotions aren't to be broadcasted' she might mean that somethings aren't ment to be shared, atleast in her own veiws. She might not know the appreciation for poetry. All poetry has some form of emotion in it. Even the greatest poets like Emily Dickenson and Edger Allen Poe have emotions twisted and woven into everything theyve written. She might also be jealous that you have some talent that she doesn't have. I would say submit your poem. It doesn't hurt any one to submit it. You will never know what will happen if you don't submit it. You may end up being noticed and they just might like your poem. Don't let someone else discourage you from doing what you want to do. You arent harming her by doing this so don't worry about it.

It means she's shallow, doesn't understand emotions, and never read poetry (no offense). Don't let her discourage you. Try reading the poem to her. Maybe it'll change her mind?

She probably intended for it to sound I'm going to ENCOURAGE you (as should your husband) to submit it! She's just jealous that he loves & supports you - you took her baby away! My ex's mom was like that - very irritating!

She's just jealous that she didn't get picked.

She probably submitted twenty different "roses are red" variations.

From the perspective of someone who wears her emotions on her sleeve, I'd say she meant that you shouldn't go around telling everyone how you feel. I'd do it anyway.

It seems to me that she is afraid of something you might say. Don't let her discourage you. Don't tell her when you submit your work. This comment would not bother me; I would go ahead and do as I wished.

She is not a poetry lover. Some people just don't understand. Put your poem in the contest. Best of luck to you.

This means to me, (having one heck of a psycho MIL) that she in no way wants you to be seen as anything important. She does not wish any attention taken away from herself.
She will say ANYTHING to get adulation, approval, attention from her son, while putting you down without seeming to.

She would not write poetry and attempt to get it published, so therefore you should not. My Mother in Law would not have a clue how to write poetry but she would try to deny anyone else who made the attempt. In front of her son she would try to treat me quasi nicely but only when he was around, even then there was always some sort of nastiness that you could not quite put your finger on, or point out exactly as mean.

I think she thinks that by writing poetry and baring your soul and inner self, that you will divulge marital secrets. Write your heart. Not for others!

that's horrible. i would have slapped her. if we didn't show our emotions publicly, what we be the point of freedom of speech and press. Poetry is what keeps us sain with emotion and gives us a chance to tell others a way of life with out offending people. i say, don't listen to what ever that lady says, keep writing......

Some people without creative talent feel somehow cheated by God. She is mad at the world and will probably react this way to anything you might suggest. Me, I just stop sharing with people who don't enjoy exchanging thoughts. TD

I must admit that I am a bit confused by her comment, too. Emotions aren't meant to be broadcasted?
The world would be without 99.99% of all art, literature, music, etc. if THAT were true.

Sounds like the green monster too me .Jealous anyone?

You know older people have different opinions than some of us and that's OK but poetry is beautiful and it does the body and sol good and i think submitting it would be great.I think she just thought it was like all about your life and if it was it still would be OK.I guess you;ll have to see what your husband thinks and go for it.I hope you live in different house then with her As it's hard to live with in laws' Even though we love

Precious - persons with jaded hearts and wounded souls can either find the strength to overcome them through expression, or they can spiral inward - eventually ending up with a dead, unloving heart.

Be a blessing to her - no matter the discouragement... and continue to strive for excellence in your art.

Perhaps, one day, your art may reach her and warm her heart back to life. ...But even if it never does - never stop speaking loving and blessing words to her.

Words are powerful - and you know this.

Combat the negative with positive - and go forward with your submission. Let positive things empower and fuel your art - and your life.

May you be blessed.

Ugh...sounds like a person who doesn't like to examine her life (probably too much pain and regret).

The comment would just make me never bring it up with her--pearls before swine and all.