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Position:Home>Poetry> Who has honest critique for this offensive piece?


I feel as though I'm speaking Chinese in an Italian bakery,
listing meat marinades
in detail
to an audience of Vegans,
Accidentally of course
For I did not mean to bring this six
to the A.A. meeting—
I was only picking up a few bobs on the way home,
Only trying to ease the chore-load
on my sweet mother.

Do you get what I mean
oh ye of cryptic poetic words,
Do you understand why I cry at night over my orchids?

I tend them and paint them,
I mix their metaphors as if my children really were my own children,
And when it gets f(u)cked up,
When I’m driving the wrong way down a one-way street
But my destination was the salvation of the human heart,
How do you think I can find the strength to pull myself out of the sh(i)t
With everyone laughing and pointing:
“Look at him! Look at him! He’s in the a(s)shole!?”

Well friends I do,
And my pockets now are filled with fertilizer
Rich, rich fertilizer,
The waste of you and you and you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Orchid

I feel as though I'm speaking Chinese in an Italian bakery,
listing meat marinades
in detail
to an audience of Vegans,
Accidentally of course
For I did not mean to bring this six
to the A.A. meeting—
I was only picking up a few bobs on the way home,
Only trying to ease the chore-load
on my sweet mother.

Do you get what I mean
oh ye of cryptic poetic words,
Do you understand why I cry at night over my orchids?

I tend them and paint them,
I mix their metaphors as if my children really were my own children,
And when it gets f(u)cked up,
When I’m driving the wrong way down a one-way street
But my destination was the salvation of the human heart,
How do you think I can find the strength to pull myself out of the sh(i)t
With everyone laughing and pointing:
“Look at him! Look at him! He’s in the a(s)shole!?”

Well friends I do,
And my pockets now are filled with fertilizer
Rich, rich fertilizer,
The waste of you and you and you.

Offensive? No. Distasteful? Maybe. Distracting?YES. Profound? No phucquin' way. And what the fuke is a bob? Fork! what will mother say? And why are you being such a fockink azzhole? Anyway, I think that I've made my point. 4Q!

Take the waste and throw it in your face
You'll say i'm the one who is wrong
The world does the same always without regret.
Tending the orchids I layer filth over them
strange where things do thrive.

I do like this poem. It's not as offensive as it seems to be it makes you think, and read twice.

i really like it reminds me of a friend who writes similar poems..:)

I think it's a very profound piece. One designed to make you think, not so much as to be offensive.

The poet is angry though with the people who betrayed him/her. However, the poet makes it clear by the end of the piece...that in spite of the best efforts to bring him/her down and ruin their lives (which nearly worked), the poet has emerged from it and is now stronger than ever, and all of the bullsh(i)t that the poet went through now serves as the fuel that they will use to make their life that much better.

It's a good piece though...and very profound.

This is what I'm getting from this poem....I don't know about anyone else...but that's what I'm hearing when I read it.

Not offensive it all. In fact, I feel drawn to it.

Offensive? That was rated g!