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Can Sheryl come out to play
by TD Euwaite

When wee ones play at adult games
Keeping score sans pity and shame
The damage done, when measuring
Is broken hearts and fractured chins

And still, it seems, we let them go
Allowing them their falls and foibles
Untroubled by their beggar’s tears
Unshaken by such childish fears

I stand and watch, impervious to pain
Remembering not to referee
It’s me I see, crying there
Sticking tongue, pulling hair

I laugh at what I used to be
Those fifty years ago
And hold on tight to lover’s hand
And watch her as we go…


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
Can Sheryl come out to play
by TD Euwaite

When wee ones play at adult games
Keeping score sans pity and shame
The damage done, when measuring
Is broken hearts and fractured chins

And still, it seems, we let them go
Allowing them their falls and foibles
Untroubled by their beggar’s tears
Unshaken by such childish fears

I stand and watch, impervious to pain
Remembering not to referee
It’s me I see, crying there
Sticking tongue, pulling hair

I laugh at what I used to be
Those fifty years ago
And hold on tight to lover’s hand
And watch her as we go…


TD, you ol' softy. You brought tears to my eyes. This poem is so lovely and loving. Just beautiful.

Do indeed like! Wonderful recipe!

It is nice you laugh for memories last. I like the reference to adult games and to the damage done. Makes you think on different levels, which for a poem, will cause me to score high. Now do you want to play "kick the can". Child or adult style?

You have fond memories and are wise, Obi One :)

And still, it seems, we let them go
Allowing them their falls and foibles

It's those two lines that did it for me. I am not a parent myself, but this is the thing I think has got to be the hardest, in whatever metaphorical manner you want to interpret it. Be it climbing on the monkey bars or dropping out of college;learning how to drive or joining the army.

Very well put. You should be proud of this work (speaking beyond just the poem, of course.).

I do the same with my children. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Nostalgia is a distraction.

Your poem was a welcomed one, well done.